Sunday, March 12, 2006

Early to Bed

The real problem of the Christian life comes where people do not usually look for it. It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from all your natural fussing and frettings; coming in out of the
wind. C.S. Lewis
Was looking for a reference in Mere Christianity this morning. This highlighted section caught my eye again as it did the first time I read it. There are those mornings that my mind snaps to God as soon as the day starts to come into focus. A great prayer time lying there in bed as I reflect on the blessings of knowing the Creator of the Universe. Off to the kitchen, pour a cup and spend an hour or so reading, praying, journaling, being still, waiting, a glean of wisdom, a new thought on an old problem. I love those mornings. I live for those mornings.

Then there are those other mornings… the ones I have had lately.

A tap on the snooze button or two or three. Then struggle out of bed and spend 10 minutes just wandering around trying to wake up. Oh man, forgot to make the coffee. While the pot is filling notice the dogs are giving me that look so out to the garage for some food. Then I start to sit down with Bible. Ooops forgot to pour the coffee then find all the cups are in the dishwasher. I forgot to turn it on last night. Okay back to reading a few minutes then realize I have not prayed yet. Now other alarms begin to sound around the house. Prayer starts to get rushed. My daughter grunts a ‘Good Morning’ or something that sounds like that as she struggles by my place at the kitchen table. My concentration is fading. Then my wife makes her appearance and of course has a list of things that need to be discussed with my daughter. Microwaves beeping, dogs crunching food, toasters popping, a television comes on somewhere in the house. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. The day is under way. I have lost my chance for privacy and intimacy with the Father. Not because anyone did anything wrong. No, I just could not get the day started as I should.

I have never seen it listed but wonder if rest and getting to bed on time should not be included as a basic discipline of the Christian life. “Love the Lord my God with all my heart, love others as myself and go to bed early.” That’s it, if I can get those three things down everything else becomes easy.

It is amazing how in tune my day becomes if I am just smart enough to end the previous day on time. Good night, I am going to bed.


Anonymous said...

Some of us do have insomnia :-)

But your point is well made and I agree with what you say about spiritual discipline.

Thanks for the encouraging Word.

Anonymous said...

Some of us do have insomnia :-)

But your point is well made and I agree with what you say about spiritual discipline.

Thanks for the encouraging Word.