Monday, February 20, 2006

God in a Fast Food World

A couple of weeks ago in my accountability group, we discussed becoming what we take in. A friend offered the example of fast food and how this will change our physical make up over time. Will not such an approach to our spiritual diet jeopardize our godly well being too?

How many times do I ask God to fit into my schedule instead of offering Him all my time first? Is it really a choice between rushing to some other commitment or lingering a few more moments in His presence? Does this world want an easy to use - microwave version of God? Three minutes on high then ready for the rest of the day?

As we have watched the Winter Olympics, we see well-trained athletes performing to their physical best. These athletes spend well over 95% of their athletic time in training for the few slices of time they are in the actual competitive moment. On the other hand, I may be training 5% of my time and then wonder why the actual moments I am tested become so difficult.

God wants to spend all of our time with us. Yes we need to find that time alone in His word or prayer but also those moments that normally do not fit our vision of relationship building with Him. Driving to work, watching a ballgame or at dinner with a group of friends, just slow down and take that moment to seek Him, wherever we are. Let him transform us in all things.

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