Wednesday, February 08, 2006

More Valuable Less Visable

Been wrestling with these words since late last year. More Valuable - Less Visible. I have always struggled with what motivates me to service within the church. I love filling different areas of need and have grown in those responsibilities over the past few years. I realize it was service in the parking lot that first developed my habit of attending church each week. I knew I had a responsibility (a specific spot to cover) that would cause others to scramble if I was not in my place. God used this four years ago to drag me out of bed every Sunday because I needed to grow. Yet there was always that nagging feeling that I enjoyed the recognition of standing in front of the church and the kind comments and waves as people arrived or left each service.

Later I felt called to other tasks around the church. My schedule begins to fill up with very worthwhile endeavors, each growing me in my relationship with God. Leading small discipleship groups required a number of hours of preparation where God taught me many things as I drew closer to Him. Teaching kid's Sunday School required my trust in God to reach out and touch lives in ways I never thought possible. Prayer team required me to really understand what prayer is and learn to communicate and share in the needs of others.

Yet each of these and my other duties around the church are each visible. It grinds at me of what is my motivation. I do these as an act of obedience to what I perceive to be God's direction for me but I find such joy in these rolls that I cannot feel I am giving but receiving.

Then these words started in me last year. Where do I look to be more valuable and less visible? God has already provided a couple of new rolls that are behind the scenes and my commitment is to learn the discipline of silence from these rolls. I pray that God teaches me to seek and accept those tasks that are hidden from view of others.

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