Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring has Sprung

This afternoon, I have working sitting at the patio table in the backyard. (Wireless technology is wonderful thing). The temperature is in the upper 70s, sunny and no wind. Most of the yard is now showing more green then brown. A number of trees are fully adorned in leaves while others are just starting to bud. Birds are singing and flying from one place to another. A few plants in the beds have broken through the surface this week.

How amazing is spring? Is it any wonder Easter comes at this time of year? Nature is ready to explode in its celebration of our risen Lord.

This afternoon has reminded me how I need to spend more time outside. There is something about removing the physical walls around me that helps me lift my heart to God. Not just a rush from the house to the car but slowing down to spend time in nature. Letting God speak through His design. Closing my eyes to feel the sun on my back or the touch of a breeze across my face can be as though He is reaching down from heaven to caress my soul.

I pray that each of you find some time outdoors within the reach of His creation.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Stop Waiting

Not long ago a friend and I made plans to play golf on a Friday afternoon. The type of plan where nothing was in concrete but our intentions were to play golf. As soon as he called, I would wrap up a few things and leave work for the afternoon. It would be great to enjoy some time out on the course. However, the call never came. I got busy and worked through the afternoon not even getting out of the office until after six.

Next day when we talked, found out he had the clubs in the car and was ready to go waiting on my call. We both missed out waiting on the other to move. No one committed to call it was just our assumption that the other would pick up the phone if they really could get away.

How many missed opportunities do I let slide by waiting to see God lead the way? “God, I am looking for the unmistakable sign, something like a neon flashing arrow being held by a elephant while riding a bicycle. It doesn’t have to be a big elephant and a tricycle will do, just clearly point the direction and I will be all over it.“

When the elephant doesn’t show up right away, it may not be me waiting on God as much as God waiting on me. These words were in the margin of a book I re-read a few days ago. “When will I quit asking what God wants me to do and just do what God wants?” Wonder how frustrated God gets with me waiting for the right door to open when I could be using the doors that are already there?

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Beginning to develop that anxious mind which comes a few days out. My mind bounces from one consideration to another. Nervously weighing various ideas and piecing them into an overall puzzle. You see, beginning this Wednesday night; I will lead another discipleship class through a 15-week journey. This will be my sixth trip down this path. However, it has been over a year since leading my last group.

How I need to go back and work through these building blocks again. Each group has always taught me new aspects and centered my own focus. Some of the classes have been started by inviting friends to get together for an early morning once a week. Others, like this one, are started by the church and listed on the Wednesday night schedule. I never know whom, if anyone will walk through the door.

Discipleship is not an easy class. These are small group discussions. I warn right from the start that this is not a normal study. They do not gather each week to listen to what the instructor has learned but instead we find out what they are experiencing and see how they are growing week by week. We start slowly but build quickly. Students will be asked to commit themselves to this endeavor. The schedule will run through early July when it will difficult to walk away from a warm summer evening to sit in a windowless room for an hour and half. However, the results can be life changing. I know my life changed when I went through the class a few years ago.

I ask anyone reading this to stop for a moment and pray that those who are led into this class will have a heart to chase God. If anyone is chooses a discipleship class so God will love them more then I suggest finding another way. I do not know how to help with that goal because God loves them as much today as he will ever or has ever loved. There is no way to increase His complete love. Discipleship, however, is a lifetime commitment for those seeking to fulfill a desire to love God with all their heart, all their soul and all their mind. It is impossible to pull God closer to ourselves but how amazing it is when we pull ourselves closer to God.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tall Trees

All the trees of the field will know that I the LORD bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall. Ezekiel 17:24
When we think we have all the answers and lock into our own view, do we see ourselves as above it all? Are these the tall trees God brings down? I pray I never consider myself fully grown because I love the journey. While I always hope to be growing, it seems such an assumption to ever consider that I have reached a destination in my Christian walk.

So many draw a line around what they claim to know and dare someone to cross. I can’t help but think of the Pharisees who in their great Bible knowledge thought they understood God’s plans. They did not reject Jesus because they hated God - no through their own interpretations they were actually trying to defend Him. What a horrific tragedy to stand in the presence of God on earth and not be able to see through ones own misunderstandings.

“One must be content to be a beginner and really experience himself as a one who knows little or nothing. Possessing a desperate need to learn... Those who think they “know” from the beginning will never, in fact, come to know anything.” ---Thomas Merton

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Just Another Day

Woke up this morning in a new world. The world of 49. It’s my birthday. That day of the year that passes like any other day for everyone else but is cause for me to reflect on my life. A look backward to all the great memories and blessing that have been provided but also feel a pang of guilt due to the volume of time wasted. Then I turn and look forward to thoughts of what I will do with the remainder of my time.

I do not know if God has it planned that I live to 49 and one day or another 30 years. However, I do know that number is out there. Should I scramble to accomplish as much as possible or is it a part of my life where I become comfortable in being who God has made me to be. I see no large world impact from my being here. No buildings or structures taking my name. My success will be limited in the views of this world but should I not be focused on significance instead of success?

What can I contribute to others that will make a difference after my time is gone? Are there lives that need just a touch that will show the face of God in a new light? Is there a kid that needs to see one person that is not self-centered but is actually other-centered? Is there a person that can see a glimpse of Christ because I traded in some time to follow the leading of the Spirit? Is my impact to cause a difference in the life of others, who then will make their own impact in the lives of others and so on and so on. Is that not the true meaning of significance?

What opportunities have been laid out before me but my weak eyes and ears were not open to comprehend? Lord, open my eyes to let me see, open my ears to let me hear, open my heart to let me feel. Show me the moments I need to step outside of this skin and make a difference.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Early to Bed

The real problem of the Christian life comes where people do not usually look for it. It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from all your natural fussing and frettings; coming in out of the
wind. C.S. Lewis
Was looking for a reference in Mere Christianity this morning. This highlighted section caught my eye again as it did the first time I read it. There are those mornings that my mind snaps to God as soon as the day starts to come into focus. A great prayer time lying there in bed as I reflect on the blessings of knowing the Creator of the Universe. Off to the kitchen, pour a cup and spend an hour or so reading, praying, journaling, being still, waiting, a glean of wisdom, a new thought on an old problem. I love those mornings. I live for those mornings.

Then there are those other mornings… the ones I have had lately.

A tap on the snooze button or two or three. Then struggle out of bed and spend 10 minutes just wandering around trying to wake up. Oh man, forgot to make the coffee. While the pot is filling notice the dogs are giving me that look so out to the garage for some food. Then I start to sit down with Bible. Ooops forgot to pour the coffee then find all the cups are in the dishwasher. I forgot to turn it on last night. Okay back to reading a few minutes then realize I have not prayed yet. Now other alarms begin to sound around the house. Prayer starts to get rushed. My daughter grunts a ‘Good Morning’ or something that sounds like that as she struggles by my place at the kitchen table. My concentration is fading. Then my wife makes her appearance and of course has a list of things that need to be discussed with my daughter. Microwaves beeping, dogs crunching food, toasters popping, a television comes on somewhere in the house. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. The day is under way. I have lost my chance for privacy and intimacy with the Father. Not because anyone did anything wrong. No, I just could not get the day started as I should.

I have never seen it listed but wonder if rest and getting to bed on time should not be included as a basic discipline of the Christian life. “Love the Lord my God with all my heart, love others as myself and go to bed early.” That’s it, if I can get those three things down everything else becomes easy.

It is amazing how in tune my day becomes if I am just smart enough to end the previous day on time. Good night, I am going to bed.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

In Vain

Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Exodus 20:7

Grew up thinking of the 3rd commandment as an admonishment to keep my tongue in check. No cursing or profanity. Hey, maybe this one was within reach. Oh I went through parts of my life where cursing was how to “fit in” with the crowd and I confess I fit in. However, when I chose to stop, it was not one of those thorns that caused me to wrestle for years.

Then in another Ahhhhhh-Ha moment, the words finally came with a different twist, a new aspect. Do not take the Lords name in vain. This is not a simple instruction regarding an expletive flying from my mouth when things spin out of control. No, this is a much higher calling. I am sure others already understood this commitment but I remember it as an awaking to me to realize God was calling me to take His name and act like it. If I was going to use the name of Christian or Child of God then it has to be a full time commitment. Not just on certain opportunities but at all times – in every situation.

As a wife takes a husbands name, so do I take the name of our God. Let it not be in vain. It says in the commandment, He will not release me from this one. His name is sacred, act like it!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Journal on Journal

A couple of years ago, was introduced the tool of journaling. Just started using this blog to as an electronic means last month. Still do some writing in the old fashion book form and not sure that I shouldn’t stay on paper. However, have always been incredibly amazed at how this discipline can be used by God to help connect the dots in my life. Showing how various scripture or events actually tie together.

Sometimes I have mulled over and over a subject in my mind for days. Other times I just pickup the pen (or hit the keyboard) with no subject in mind. Not planning any direction where this one may go but willing to put words down in anticipation of where they may lead. First step of any entry is the most difficult. Changing from still to moving. Inertia – bodies at rest tend/want to stay at rest. While the reverse is also true – bodies in motion tend/want to stay in motion.

How often I sit with no thought, no time, no inspiration – but once the first words form the next ones begin to pile up waiting on their turn to move from consideration to find their place in the sentence. This seems to be true within a single writing or from day to day. Too often going long periods of time without opening myself up to let God organize my heart by putting them in a readable form.

So many things in my life are like that first letter. It is out there, I know I need to make the time, find the effort and change my inertia. My life is full of spiritual inertia. When I am at stop in my relationship with God, I tend to stay there. On the other hand, there is no joy or peace in my life like that when my relationship flows. Moving easily from one experience with God to the next. If only I could stop stopping and stay moving.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A Different View

Read the Parable of the Sower this morning. How many times have we heard or thought through this story and felt comfort because we fall into the “Good Soil” people? It is good to be one of those who hears and understands then produces a crop, right? I can’t be one of those other soils. However, a few years ago, I had a great teacher expose a different facet on this gem from Jesus. A gleam of light that caught my eye that night and exposed some other thoughts to ponder.

In Mathew, after the always confusing “He who has ears, let him hear” end of the story, Jesus is quizzed and explains why He speaks in parables. He says that many will not see or hear the secrets being explained. The parable is for those who are receiving the knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven. Aren’t those the Good soil people? Was this story ever intended for the Pathway, the Rocky or the Thorny soil people? Is it perhaps for us because at times we can find all four soils in one life? my life?

How many times does a seed of truth land in that harden place in my heart? The Pathway part that is so worn because I tread there so often? It is that little part of my world where I keep God out. The birds of Satan come often and feed, taking any seeds away. It has become a bare and extremely hard patch that needs to be broken up. Always planning to get this area cleaned up a bit but…

Also I think back to many great messages or teaching that stirred abundant joy sitting in the sanctuary but were gone by the time I opened the door to my car in the parking lot. My Rocky soil does not allow for roots to go very deep sometimes. There is a little good soil on top over here for everyone to see but busyness, forgetfulness, lack of focus, selfishness and pride are huge boulders right under the surface that need to be dug up and moved out. This will be hard work; perhaps I can find a nice day….

Then there are those amazing moments with God that become choked out by the Thorny areas of my life. The soil is not bad here but there are so many other things rooted in this area that draw my energy away. This is where I planned my own seeds. Some of those thorn bushes actually seem pretty on the package but they didn’t come out the way I hoped. They started out as good things but how many are really God things? Need to get in this area and do some cutting, wonder if I need to go buy a chain saw…

How I long for more good soil in my life. It is not a simple task. I doubt any fruitful garden started out with 100% great soil. However, it is time to stop those excuses of “later”. With the help of The Holy Spirit it is time to get to work in these areas. It will not be easy, it will take some time - break up some ground in this area for a little bit, dig out that big rock over there for a while, pull some weeds that have sprouted all over the place. The work is good. It makes ready more good soil to produce fruit for my Lord?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Our Kids

The young of the flock will be dragged away; Jeremiah 50:45

This was part of my daily reading a few mornings ago. The verse hit me in the gut and has stuck with me. While the context is God’s revenge on Babylonia, it is true in so many other ways today too.

I have a 12-year-old daughter and teach 2nd Grade Boys Sunday School. The thought of our young being dragged away by Satan is really a vivid image and a very real concern. The prowler seeks the young and picks them off one by one. Tantalizes them with a glittery world. Pulling them away from the flock and then tangling them in the wrong things to make them easy prey.

The mantra in their heads - “Do not risk being excluded from the cool crowd. You don’t want to be one of those kids do you? There is always time for that stuff later in life. One more day will not hurt anything.”

I am coming to the conclusion that Satan’s biggest tool is procrastination. If he can get us to wait just a little longer then his job is simply to keep us where we are.

Heard a statistic not too long ago that 85% of all Christians made their decision to accept Christ by 13 years of age. See how it works? “Don’t make that decision yet there is plenty of time in your life.” Does that stat scare you as much as it did me?

My daughter became a Christian two years ago and was the proudest day of my life. I know pride is not a Christian thing but I will boast in what God has done in her life. However, how sad to think there are people her age that statistically may never know God because they can't get over the pressure they face against stepping out in faith. I pray so much for the proper influences in their lives.

Teaching Sunday School, we see all types of young people. The cross section is wide. It is hard not to think of a church full of kids raised in “normal” active Christian homes with a mom, dad and their 2.5 kids. Those kids are there but also the ones that show up from virtually every other stage of life too. The single mom, running late, drops off at the door, looking for that one hour to get a chance to feed herself spiritually. Grandparents bringing their grand kids hoping to give them a once a week exposure to Christ that the kids never see in their own homes. Parents who are astonished when you tell them their child is learning so much and is becoming a leader in the class. Then there is kid that sits quietly, only there because he has to be, you want to connect with him so much because you see he may be one that will be dragged away.

Our kids are a battlefield. Pray for them that they stay close to the flock and always keep a watchful eye.