Friday, October 03, 2008

Bailout or Rascue it all Stinks

Okay the bill has passed congress. Call it Bailout or Rescue, it all still stinks. A guarantee of financial disaster or rush head long into something that no one wants to do. No time to think. No time to discuss. I never trust the guy that says you have to make a financial choice right now or the deal goes away.

So this means somewhere the tax dollars of a guy who just lost his house will end up going to save the bank that foreclosed on him. Does that really make sense? Only in America, because we are talking Wall Street and Washington and sense was never required in either place.

You see, to me, all of this is a little like a dog who was sniffing around the yard one day and ends up with a big piece of crap on his nose. He really has two choices; either walk around with the crap on his nose or lick his nose.

Folks, it is time for us to lick our nose.

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