Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dancing with Daddy

Tonight is “Dancing with Daddy”. A charitable event which raises money for a wonderful adoption foundation. However, on a very selfish note, tonight is my annual dress-up date with my daughter. At twelve, the time is running out to spend those daddy/daughter moments. We regularly go to the movies but those trips now normally include one or more of her friends. While we still spend time together going here and there; there is something about those special one of kind nights that I look back on with so much awe. I am so glad God blessed us with this child.

She is growing each time I look at her. Maturing from child to lady. Some days she is both 6 and 26. She still loves being a kid but has a solid way of seeing the world, which gives me great comfort.

I struggle as she faces her challenges these days. Is it still daddy’s job to swoop in for the rescue or is it that time to step back and let her make those decisions? So hard to let go and watch her fall sometimes. If success is getting up one more time then you fall down, then I have to let go – just a little. I have to accept the good and bad choices and teach her how to think on her own not just what would dad and mom do. Pray that she seeks God as her moral compass not relying on the world to guide her.

O Lord, how I desperately need your wisdom as a parent. Help me be your child, making the best decisions as you are teaching me.

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